Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Spirit

Around Christmas time, I start to see different posts on facebook. Some are excited about it, some are verses from the Bible, some are lyrics of Christmas songs, but then there are those status' that talk about how it's not really when Jesus was born, it's just a pagan holiday, tree's and stockings have nothing to do with Jesus, etc.

What I feel led to say on the matter is that regardless of the exact day Jesus was born, there is one day out of the year where the entire earth knows that we celebrate CHRIST-mas. One day where we all come together and remember The King of Kings left His throne to be born in a manger. One day where churches are packed as full as they get because people feel convicted to go. One day when we gather together with our families and are given legitimate excuses to talk to them about Jesus.

Of course there are those that make it solely about Santa, presents, Frosty, and Rudolph, but, if that's not the way you're choosing to celebrate it, then it doesn't really matter what everyone else is doing. The rest of those things are fun traditions to make with your family and for your kids. If you feel that is detracting from you focusing directly on Jesus, then don't do those things with your family.

I really don't think that God is upset that we come to Him, no matter the day, giving thanks for sending His Son to us. Maybe, Christmas has become commercialized. That really only adds to the fun in my opinion. Gathering with family, eating together, playing games, watching Christmas favorites together, experiencing joy and happiness from the excitement on someone's face for a gift you just gave them, it really all sounds like the important things God gave us life for. Enjoying one another. There may be madness and rush to get to stores, spend too much money, buy the perfect gift, get the tree up and decorated, pop out those Christmas cookies etc, but at the end of the day, after all of that is done, you're just left sitting in the presence of your family remembering the beauty of the best gift ever given.

I remember, as a little kid, I would get so many presents. We had 3 different Christmas'. We did my mom's side, my dad's side, and then a little family one for just us. I was so excited (pretty much only for the presents). When all of the celebrations were finally over and every gift had been unwrapped, I remember, still to this day, the feeling of emptiness and sadness because it was all over. It was a depression deep down that no gift was going to take away. Still, every year I was excited for Christmas. Fast forward years later, I'm now 20. The presents don't matter as much. The wonder has worn off. But a couple years ago, I was laying in my bed Christmas Eve, and the revelation of Jesus being born as this tiny baby into our human care really finally touched my heart. I was weeping and thanking God truly.

Because we have this celebration every year, I had chance after chance to realize the beauty of what God did in giving us Jesus. At first, it was about presents, but then God used it to really touch me. Now, I know that Christmas is just one day and is quickly over, but if you know that you've already been given the best gift, there's so much more to live for than trivial gift after trivial gift.

One of the beauty's of Christmas is that, even if you're celebrating it for the wrong reasons, you know it by the end of the day in the emptiness, sadness, loneliness. Either way, God can use the opportunity to reveal the true "reason for the season," Jesus Christ.

If you're feeling the "day after depression" and want to accept the only Gift that won't leave you empty, just pray the following:

"Jesus, I believe that you came to earth to die for me. I know that I need more in this life, so please, take the empty spaces and fill me with Your Spirit. I repent for my sins. Give me revelation of Your love and help me to love You. Thank you, God. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

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